PFAS contamination is a critical issue affecting both public health and the future of Wisconsin's economy. Andi Rich recognizes the long-term effects of these "forever chemicals" on communities and natural resources are devastating. Polluting corporations must be held accountable, rather than shifting cleanup costs to taxpayers. Current legislation like Senate Bill 312 potentially shields polluters from responsibility. The DNR needs the authority to take swift action on PFAS contamination, even before formal standards are set. Following the science and ensuring transparent public disclosure of PFAS testing results are essential to protect citizens' right to know about environmental hazards. Andi will work tirelessly to protect our communities from PFAS contamination and ensure clean water for all Wisconsinites.


Sulfide Mining

Sulfide mining poses catastrophic environmental risks to Wisconsin's water resources and ecosystems. Andi stands firmly with the public sentiment against these projects and believes it must be respected. The repeal of Wisconsin's "Prove It First" law for metallic sulfide mining in 2017 was a grave mistake that needs to be corrected. Obstructionist tactics by legislators like Mary Felzkowski have blocked critical conservation efforts such as the Pelican River Forest easement. Wisconsin's natural resources are too valuable to sacrifice for short-term mining profits. Our tourism economy and the heritage we pass on to future generations depend on preserving these irreplaceable assets. Andi's track record of successfully opposing harmful projects like the Back Forty mine demonstrates her unwavering commitment to protecting Wisconsin's environment.


Wake Boats

The environmental damage caused by wake boats on Wisconsin's lakes is well-documented and must be addressed. Andi emphasizes that large wakes contribute to shoreline erosion, harm aquatic ecosystems, and degrade water quality. Our lakes are economic engines for tourism and traditional activities like fishing - we can't afford to let them be destroyed. The current lack of comprehensive regulation demonstrates how some legislators prioritize industry interests over environmental protection and the will of local communities. Science-based policies that balance recreational use with conservation are urgently needed. Andi supports empowering local communities to have a say in how their lakes are managed and protected.


Affordable Healthcare

Expanding BadgerCare is both a moral imperative and an economic benefit for Wisconsin. Andi believes current proposed healthcare bills are often redundant and increase administrative costs without addressing core issues of access and affordability. Mental health services and substance abuse treatment are critically needed, particularly in rural areas. A pragmatic approach to healthcare policy that prioritizes outcomes for Wisconsin families over political ideology is essential. Andi is committed to advocating for healthcare solutions that work for all Wisconsinites, not just the wealthy or well-connected.


Education and Childcare

Robust funding for education and childcare is a critical investment in Wisconsin's future with significant positive economic impacts. Andi is convinced that public money belongs in public schools, not diverted to private education through voucher programs. The current childcare crisis, where centers are closing due to staffing shortages and many families struggle to find affordable care, demands immediate action. Supporting childcare workers, increasing capacity, and making care more affordable for working families are essential steps to address this crisis. The childcare issue is fundamentally an economic issue - without reliable, affordable childcare, our workforce and economy suffer. Andi is dedicated to finding real solutions to these pressing education and childcare challenges.


People Over Politics

The needs of working-class Wisconsinites must come before corporate interests and partisan politics. Andi believes that grassroots advocacy and listening to constituents are fundamental to effective representation. The obstruction of popular initiatives on conservation, healthcare expansion, and education funding by current representatives is unacceptable. Government transparency is non-negotiable - practices like anonymous legislative holds that block important projects must end. Environmental protection, healthcare access, education funding, and economic fairness are not partisan issues - they're Wisconsin issues that demand practical solutions. Andi's commitment is to responsive, pragmatic governance focused on delivering tangible benefits for Wisconsin families, not scoring political points.